Larry, I just read this for the very first time. My heart aches for your loss but, then again, your strengths and love come shining through. I, like anyone, wish there were more time to spend together but we have to go with what we're given.

I hope time has given you new warm thoughts & memories. I know you have a real and healthy sense of perspective.

I wish you and all of yours and hers the best. Karen left us smiling, it was her style.

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Thank you Larry for sharing. It can’t have been easy, I hope it helped the way writing helps me and I imagine did Karen. I’m so sorry for your loss. I never met Karen, but felt like I knew her from the stack. I will miss her voice. There but for the grace of god.. May we yet meet someday and laugh about all this cancer BS.

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I’m sure this was difficult to write but I’m certain Karen would be well pleased with what you wrote for her! You have all her stories she’s written and so many memories to remember her! I’ll miss our backyard chats and working on our shared flower bed that the dears love to eat! Just remember we right next door if you need anything! Love you and the kids!

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Thank you for sharing Karen's last journey. I have followed her posts both on Facebook and here with growing respect for her determination, and concern for the outcome. It's clear that you, Larry, were her loving support to the end. May her memory be a blessing.

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