I don't know what was scarier -- the tests or the hairdo.

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Thank you so much for sharing your journey… You are incredibly brave, and a fantastic writer! Big hugs! Michelle

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There are easier ways to get good drugs...your writing is as wonderful as your experiences are awful. I applaud your stamina to your craft of expression.

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Feb 18, 2023Liked by Karen

I think you looked cute in pigtails. Like an overage but adorable teenager.

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If there was a surgical version of Tripadvisor, this would be one hell of a trip report.

Was the aftermath of the second round of gamma like the first, i.e. no physical pain but mental and emotional trauma ("roller coaster with up and down moods, strange sleep patterns, confusion, obsessive thoughts, dizziness and fatigue")? Or was that linked more to the steroids? Was it easier to navigate since your brain wasn't swollen and you knew what to expect?

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With the first GK I was still dealing with brain swelling and massive daily dosage of steroids. The swelling caused confusion, speech issues, moods, dizziness and loss of hearing in my left ear. The tumor is close to auditory nerve. During chemo weeks I was on a steroid to get me through it. The Dex is notorious for messing with your sleep and fatigue. I would go to bed around 9 pm and then wide awake by 2 am. Then maybe go back to sleep around 6 am. Sleep a couple of hours at a time throughout the day. With the brain cancer I have never experienced pain. I know many experience excruciating headaches. Not me.

The second GK treatment was much like the first, but I was more lucid during it.

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